The new pricing system in the App Store will provide 700 additional pricing options and tools to help application owners set prices for their applications and services at cheaper rates than before, which is a qualitative shift in the company’s way of thinking, which faces accusations of monopolizing its store by limiting competition and not Providing a variety of price options.
Changing the pricing method in the “App Store” allowed application owners to start pricing their applications from $ 0.29, while the lowest price allowed by “Apple” in the past was $ 0.99.
The company also raised the maximum allowed price for the app from $1,000 previously to $10,000 now.
900 pricing options
Technology and marketing specialist George Dagher said, in an interview with Sky News Arabia, that the App Store will now rely on 900 pricing options, compared to 200 in the past, which means that users will notice a very large variety in the prices of services and applications that appear in front of them.
Dagher pointed out that “Apple previously required that prices end in its store with the number 99, such as $0.99, but now it is possible to display prices that end with 0.95, 0.90, or even an integer number.”
The technology and marketing specialist adds that any application that will be offered for more than a thousand dollars in the “App Store” will need special approval from “Apple”, which will scrutinize the motives behind offering it at such a high price.
Dagher believes that the company was forced to make these radical changes and take a step back, in light of the attack it is facing because of the unfair policies adopted in the App Store.
Pricing flexibility for developers
And the spokesman reveals that the European Union is heading to take a decision in March 2023, to oblige “Apple” to abandon the payment policy exclusively with its system, which forces “iPhone” users to complete any purchase within the application, through its payment system with the aim of collecting a commission from the revenues it generates. achieved by the owner of the application.
He stressed that changes in the pricing system on the App Store will continue to appear throughout 2023, which will give developers unprecedented flexibility in pricing their products in 45 major currencies.
See the original article.